Society Bylaws
Name and centre of the association
Article 1 – The name of the association is “Turkish Society for Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition”.
The headquarters of the society is the city centre of Ankara.
The society may open branches in the country.
Subject and purpose
Article 2 - The subject and purpose of the society is to research the diseases related to the childhood digestive system, liver and nutrition, to follow the scientific, technical and social studies, innovations and publications related to these issues, to organize and develop training programs and to teach these knowledge and skills especially to physicians, dietitians, nurses and other relevant people on the subject, to prevent the occurrence of gastrointestinal (digestive system) and nutritional diseases and to help the treatment of those who are affected. The main purpose is to contribute to human health.
In order to realize the purpose of the society, in particular :
A- The society organizes national and international congresses, scientific conferences, courses, seminars and symposiums in the field of gastroenterology, nutrition and pediatrics and invites Turkish and foreign scientists related to the subject. The society ensures that "National Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition" congresses are held in different regions of our country at regular intervals. The society establishes relations with other scientific and medical associations and organizations in the country and abroad related to its subject and purpose and becomes a member of international scientific societies and organizations and represents our country in these organizations. The society supports the participation of its members in scientific meetings that it deems beneficial at home and abroad. The society may receive cash aid from individuals, institutions and organizations abroad as stated below.
Notification of Receiving Assistance from Abroad
In case of receiving assistance from abroad by the association, they fill out the "Notification of Receiving Assistance from Abroad" (specified in Annex-4 of the Associations Regulation) in two copies and notify the local authority before receiving assistance.
A copy of the decision of the board of directors regarding receiving aid from abroad, the protocol, contract and similar documents, if any, and a copy of the receipt, statement and similar document regarding the account to which the aid is transferred is also attached to the notification.
It is obligatory to receive cash aids through banks and to fulfil the notification requirement before they are used.
B- The society subscribes to journals in Turkish and foreign languages related to its purpose, buys books, and establishes a library for the benefit of its members.
C- Publishes magazines, brochures and books in order to use the medical, social and technical information in the field of pediatric gastroenterology and nutrition in educational fields, to introduce and disseminate them to those working or interested in these fields. It takes the right to publish the scientific works of Turkish and foreign authors that it deems useful.
D- The society organizes training programs in the field of pediatric gastroenterology and nutrition, establishes institutions and supports existing ones. It provides financial and moral support to those who take part in the education, training and management of these institutions.
E- Establishes and manages research centres and clinics where physicians, health, technical and social personnel will train and practice, where research will be conducted, and where patients will be treated and examined, and assist existing ones in every way. Assists in the supply of education and training tools and materials. The association ensures that the educational and treatment tools it has through donations, gifts or purchases are used in accordance with its purpose in the health facilities it supports.
F- Establishes and operates centres where developments in pediatric gastroenterology, nutrition and diagnosis and treatment of related diseases will be monitored and implemented.
G- Supports individuals and organizations engaged in scientific research in the field of gastroenterology hepatology and nutrition, encourages researchers, gives scholarships, and organizes award-winning competitions.
H- Owns the necessary real estate for the realization of the purpose, sells and rents if necessary. (The execution of this article is provided by the decision of the general assembly)
Article 3 - The association does not engage in politics.
Founding Members
Article 4 - Founding members of the Society: Assoc. Prof. Ender Pehlivanoglu (Marmara University), Assoc. Prof. Resit Inceoglu (Marmara University), Seckin Pehlivanoglu (Marmara University), Assoc. Prof. Onder Kayhan (Marmara University), Ozhan Cakıroğlu (Shell, Manager), Adem Sancaktar (Manager Emlakbank, Economist,), Turgay Aydın (Engineer, Netas).
Members of the Society, membership and withdrawal
Article 5 - There are 2 types of members of the Society;
A-Main Membership: Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition Specialists, those who continue their minor specialization training in this branch, those who work in different fields of medicine and who have a direct or indirect relationship with the pediatric gastroenterology, hepatology and nutrition branch and provide scientific, medical and social services in this field are the principal members of the association.
B- Honorary membership: The proposal of the board of directors or 1/5 of the members attending the general assembly meeting, to those who have achieved fame in the country and abroad with their studies, publications and inventions in the field of pediatric gastroenterology, hepatology and nutrition, and to those who provide continuous and important services towards the realization of the purpose of the association. and "Honorary Member Diploma" is awarded with the approval of the majority.
Article 6 - Application for membership to the society can be made with the proposal of two full members. The person who wants to become a member of the society fills out the application form, which includes the signatures of two principal members, and submits it to the board of directors with two pictures. The board of directors of the society has to decide on the applications for membership in the form of acceptance or rejection of membership within maximum 30 days and announce the result to the applicant in formal letter.
Article 7 – Members are charged 20 TL at the first entry and 20 TL as annual dues. The general assembly is authorized to increase or decrease these membership fees.
Article 8 - Membership terminates in the event of one of the following situations:
a- Written resignation by the member sent to the board of directors
b- being deprived of public rights
c- making an untrue statement in the petition and membership information slip submitted in their application for membership
d- failing to pay their dues for two consecutive years despite the written warnings of the board of directors.
e- Those who cannot become a member of the society due to the reasons specified in the Law of Associations, their relations with the society are terminated and their records are deleted by the board of directors.
f- The members who unjustly spread defamatory, unfounded news and ideas in front of the society in words and in writing, and engage in activities contrary to the subject and purpose of the society are excluded from membership with the proposal of the members of the board of directors or 1/5 of the general assembly and the approval of one more than half of the members attending the general assembly. These members can take the floor in the agenda item related to them, but they cannot vote in the meeting. In case of dismissal from membership, objection to the decision can be made at the next general assembly. The decision of the Board is final. It cannot be appealed.
Article 9 - Organs of the Society
a- General Assembly: The general assembly consists of full members.
b- Board of Directors
c- Board of Supervisors
Article 10 - General Assembly:
a. Ordinary general assembly meetings are held in every 2 years in May.
b. It convenes extraordinarily when the board of directors and supervisor deems it necessary or upon the written request of 1/5 of the members of the society.
c. The general assembly meeting is announced by the board of directors.
d. If the number of members of the board of directors, for whatever reason, falls below half of the total number of members after the appointment of substitutes, the general assembly is announced within one month by the current members of the board of directors or the board of auditors.
e. If the announcement is not made, upon the application of one of the members of the society, the magistrate of the locality assigns three members to be chosen from the members of the society to convene the general assembly within a month. In the event that a trustee is appointed by the court or an assignment is made according to the second paragraph of Article 75 of the Civil Code, the duties assigned to the board of directors in this article are carried out by these assigned members.
Article 11 - General assembly meetings of the society can be held at the place where the “National Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition Congress” is held if the time of the general assembly meeting and the time of the “National Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition Congress” coincide, otherwise it is held in the province where the headquarters is located.
Madde 12- Yönetim kurulu, Society Bylawsne göre genel kurula katılma hakkı bulunan üyelerin listesini düzenler. Genel kurula katılma hakkı bulunan üyeler, en az onbeş gün önceden, günü, saati, yeri ve gündemi bir gazetede ilan edilmek veya yazılı ya da elektronik posta ile bildirilmek suretiyle toplantıya çağrılır. Genel kurul, genel kurula katılma hakkı bulunan üyelerin yarısından bir fazlası ile toplanır. Bu çağrıda, çoğunluk sağlanamaması sebebiyle toplantı yapılamazsa, ikinci toplantının hangi gün, saat ve yerde yapılacağı da belirtilir. İlk toplantı ile ikinci toplantı arasındaki süre yedi günden az, altmış günden fazla olamaz. İkinci toplantıda çoğunluk aranmaz. Ancak ikinci toplantıya katılan üye sayısı dernek yönetim kurulu ile denetleme kurulu üyelerinin tam sayılarının toplamının iki katından az olamaz.
Article 12 - The board of directors prepares the list of members who have the right to attend the general assembly according to the Society Bylaws. Members who have the right to attend the general assembly are invited to the meeting at least fifteen days in advance, by announcing the day, time, place and agenda in a newspaper or by notifying them with letters or by e-mail. The general assembly convenes with one more than half of the members who have the right to attend the general assembly. In this call, if the meeting cannot be held due to the lack of majority, the day, time and place of the second meeting is also specified. The period between the first meeting and the second meeting cannot be less than seven days and more than sixty days. A majority is not sought in the second meeting. However, the number of members attending the second meeting cannot be less than twice the total number of the board of directors and supervisory board of the society.
If the meeting is postponed for any reason other than the lack of majority, this situation is announced to the members in accordance with the call procedure for the first meeting, including the reasons for the postponement. It is mandatory for the second meeting to be held within six months at the latest from the date of postponement. Members are called to the second meeting again according to the principles stated in the first paragraph.
The general assembly meeting cannot be postponed more than once.
Article 13 - The list of members entitled to attend the general assembly is made available at the meeting place. Identity documents issued by the official authorities of the members who will enter the meeting place are checked by the members of the board of directors or the officials to be appointed by the board of directors. Members enter the meeting place by signing against their names on the list prepared by the board of directors. Those who do not show their identity document, do not sign the specified list and members who do not have the right to attend the general assembly will not be admitted to the meeting place. These persons and those who are not members of the association can watch the general assembly meeting in a separate section. If the meeting majority is met, the situation is determined and the meeting is opened by the president of the board of directors or one of the assigned board members. If the meeting majority is not met, a report is kept by the board of directors.
After the opening, a chairman and a vice-chairman and a secretary are elected to manage the meeting, and a council committee is formed. In the voting to be held for the election of the organs of the society, it is obligatory for the voting members to show their identities to the council committee and sign opposite their names on the list of attendees. The management and security of the meeting belongs to the chairman of the council. The general assembly is concluded by discussing and deciding on the agenda items.
Unless a contrary decision is taken in the general assembly, the elections of the members of the board of directors and the supervisory board are voted by secret ballot, and the decisions on other issues are voted openly. Secret ballots are the votes that are collected by throwing the papers or ballot papers sealed by the meeting chairman into an empty container after the necessary actions are taken by the members, and are determined by making an open list after the end of the voting.
In open voting, the method determined by the chairman of the general assembly council is applied.
General assembly resolutions and decisions are taken by the absolute majority of the members attending the meeting. In so far, the decisions to change the bylaws and dissolution of the society can only be taken with a two-thirds majority of the members attending the meeting.
The topics discussed and the decisions taken at the meeting are recorded and signed by the chairman of the council and the clerks. At the end of the meeting, the documents are delivered to the president of the board of directors. The president of the board of directors is responsible for preserving these documents and delivering them to the newly elected board of directors within seven days.
Decisions Taken Without Meeting or Calls
The decisions taken with the written participation of all members without meeting and the decisions taken by all the members of the society without following the call procedure written in this charter are valid. Taking decisions in this way does not replace the ordinary meeting.
Article 14 - Only the items on the agenda are discussed at the general assembly meeting. However, it is obligatory to include on the agenda the issues that are requested to be discussed by one-tenth of the members present at the meeting.
Article 15 - Each member has one vote at the general assembly. The member personally uses his/her vote.
Article 16 - The duties of the general assembly are as follows.
The following issues are discussed and resolved by the general assembly.
1. Election of the organs of the Society
2. Changing the statute of the Society Bylaws
3. Discussion of the reports of the management and supervisory boards, acquittal of the board of directors.
4. Discussing and accepting the budget prepared by the board of directors as it is or by changing it.
5. Authorization of the board of directors for the purchase of immovable properties required for the Society or the sale of existing immovable properties.
6. The Society's joining or leaving the federation.
7. The Society's international activities, joining or leaving associations or organizations abroad as a member.
8. Dissolution of the Society.
9. Fulfilment of other duties specified in the legislation and Society charter to be performed by the board.
Article 17 - The board of directors is elected from among the full members of the association by secret ballot, with five permanent and five substitutes. The first 5 people with the highest number of votes serve as permanent members and the next 5 people as alternate members. 5 people elected as principals distribute tasks among themselves as the president of the board of directors, vice president, the general secretary, the accountant and the treasurer. The presidency of the board of directors cannot be held for more than two consecutive terms.
Article 18 - Duties and powers of the board of directors:
b. To plan and implement studies and activities in accordance with the subject and purpose of the association, to carry out the works of the society in accordance with the laws, regulations and congress decisions.
c. Authorizing branch founders to open new Society branches.
d. To make the transactions regarding the income and expense accounts of the association and to prepare the budget for the next period and present it to the general assembly.
e. In case of acceptance of non-Turkish citizens to membership of the society, notify to the highest local authority within 10 days.
f. Printing the "Receipt Documents" to be used in the collection of the income of the association in the format and size indicated in the regulation.
g. To determine the person or persons who will collect income on behalf of the society, by specifying the term of authorization, and to issue a "Certificate of Authorization" on behalf of these persons as specified in the law and regulations, and give them to the local authority for associations.
h. To notify the local authority in case of change of residency or the changes in the organs of the society other than the general assembly meetings in accordance with by filling in the forms specified in the regulation.
i. To carry out other works and to use the authorities given by the statute and legislation of the society.
Article 19 - The Board of Directors convenes with the majority of the members. Decisions are taken by majority.
Article 20 - In order to carry out its activities, the board of directors establishes temporary or permanent branches of activity, auxiliary boards, if necessary, among the members of the association or non-members. The branches are responsible to and under the control of the board of directors in their work and decisions. Temporary or permanent salaried personnel can be used when necessary.
Article 21 - If the number of the board of directors falls below half after the replacements are brought in due to vacancies, the general assembly is announced for a meeting within a month by the current members of the board of directors or the supervisory board.
If the announcement is not made, upon the application of one of the members of the society, the magistrate of the locality assigns three members of the society to convene the general assembly within a month.
Matters to be discussed at the meeting
Article 22 - Only the items on the agenda are discussed at the general assembly meeting. However, it is obligatory to include on the agenda the issues that are requested to be discussed by at least one-tenth of the members present at the meeting.
Supervisory Board and Its Organization
Article 23 - The supervisory board is elected by the general assembly, with less than three permanent and three substitute members. This board performs its auditing duties at intervals not exceeding one year in accordance with the basic procedures determined in the statute of the society. The supervisory board presents the audit results in a report to the board of directors and to the general assembly when convened.
Article 24 - Within thirty days following the ordinary or extraordinary general assembly meetings, the General Assembly Result Notification and its annexes containing the principal and alternate members elected to the board of directors and supervisory boards and other organs are notified to the local authority by the president of the board of directors.
Article 25 - Internal audit of the society: While internal audit can be carried out in the society by the general assembly, the board of directors or the board of auditors, it can also be audited by independent audit firms. Auditing by the general assembly, the board of directors or independent audit firms does not remove the obligation of the supervisory board. Audit of the society is carried out at least once a year by the supervisory board.
Borrowing Procedures of the Association
Article 26 - In order to realize the purpose of the society and to carry out its activities, if needed, borrowing can be done with the decision of the board of directors. This borrowing can be done in the purchase of goods and services on credit or in cash. However, this borrowing cannot be made in amounts that cannot be covered by the income sources of the society and in a way that will make the society’s bankruptcy
Establishment of Branches:
Article 27 - The society may open branches wherever it deems necessary. More than one branch cannot be opened in a province, central district, district and village.
For this purpose, a written application is made by giving a "Notification of Establishment" to the highest civilian authority of the place where the branch will be opened by at least three people assigned by the board of directors authorized by the general assembly of the society.
In the annex of this letter, two society statutes approved by the relevant directorate of Societies, a copy of the identity card of the founders, if there are legal entities among the founders of the branch; the title, place of residency and establishment of these legal persons, as well as the photocopy of the decision taken on this subject, provided that the real person authorized by the bodies of the legal entities is specified, if there are foreign nationals among the founders, photocopies of the documents showing that they have the right to settle in Turkey, a list indicating the names, surnames, places of residency and signatures of the person or persons authorized to receive correspondence and notification with temporary board members, photocopy of general assembly resolution showing the authority given to the board of directors to open a branch, and a photocopy of the board of directors decision of the society for persons authorized as founders.
Branch founders are required to reside in the place where the branch will be opened for at least six months.
Organs of Branches
Article 28 - In each branch; it is obligatory to form a general assembly, board of directors, supervisory board or auditor.
Article 29 - After the establishment of the branches of the society, the activities related to the operation of the branch are subject to the provisions of the law of associations and the statute of the society. Branches hold the first general assembly meeting within 6 months from the establishment of the branch. Members who have the right to attend the general assembly are invited to the meeting at least fifteen days in advance, by announcement of the day, time, place and agenda in a newspaper or by notifying them in letter or by e-mail. In this invitation, if the meeting cannot be held due to the lack of a majority, the day, time and place of the second meeting is also specified. The period between the first meeting and the second meeting cannot be less than seven days and more than sixty days.
Branches are obliged to complete the ordinary general assembly meetings at least two months before the central ordinary general assembly meeting and notify a copy of the general assembly result notification to the local authority and their headquarters within thirty days following the date of the meeting.
All branch members can attend the general meeting of the headquarters.
Article 30 - The books that the board of directors is responsible for keeping.
As long as the annual gross income is less than the officially announced value every year, the book is kept on the basis of the operating account, and if it exceeds this amount, starting from the following accounting period, the book is kept on the basis of the balance sheet.
a) The books to be kept on the basis of the operating account are as follows:
1) Decision Book
2) Member Registry
3) Documents Registry
4) Inventory Book
5) Business Account Ledger
6) Receipt Registry
b) The books to be kept on the basis of the balance sheet are as follows:
1) Registered in the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 6th sub clauses of clause (a) notebooks.
2) Journal, General Ledger and Inventory Book
These books must be approved by the Societies’ Unit or Notary Public.
Income of the Society
Article 31 - Sources of income of the Society
1. Membership fees
2. Income from activities such as publications made by the Society, lottery, balls, entertainment, performances, concerts, sports competitions and conferences.
3. Income from the assets of the society.
4. Donations and aids
5. Consists of donations and aids to be collected in accordance with the provisions of the legislation on aid collection.
Article 32 - Bylaw changes are made with the decision of the general assembly. The charter of the society is amended with the votes of 2/3 of the members attending the meeting.
Article 33 - Dissolution of the Society: When the society is dissolved by the decision of the general assembly or ends automatically, a liquidation board consisting of the last members of the board of directors is established. However, in order for the society to decide to dissolve on its own, 2/3 of the number of members entitled to participate in the general assembly must be present. If a majority cannot be achieved in the first meeting, the members are invited for a second time. The number of members attending the second meeting cannot be less than twice the total number of members of the board of directors and supervisory board. However, the decision to terminate society can be taken with the vote of 2/3 of the members present at the meeting.
Article 34 - If the termination decision has been taken by the general assembly, the general assembly decides where the existing assets will be transferred. All assets are transferred to the Turkish Red Crescent Society when no decision is made or the association terminates spontaneously. These transactions start from the date of the general assembly decision regarding the termination or when the automatic termination becomes final. In all transactions during the liquidation period, the name of the association is “ ........ Society in liquidation” have to be used.
Following the completion of the liquidation and transfer procedures of the money, property and rights of the society, the situation is notified to the local authority in a letter within seven days by the liquidation board and the liquidation report is attached to this letter.
Assoc. Prof. Ender Pehlivanoglu
Assoc. Prof. Ozhan Cakıroglu
Onder Kayhan
Assoc. Prof. Resit Inceoglu
Seckin Pehlivanoglu M.D.
Adem Sancaktar
Turgay Aydin